Go to the Library homepage and click the "Everything" tab. Enter keywords to search for the book. The listing will include the title, author, publishing information, and its location in the library.
1. The first thing to look at is the Location. It will list what floor and collection the book can be found in, such as 4th Floor Stacks.
2. Check its status to see if it is available to be checked out.
3. The Call Number tells you where in the collection it is located. Start by looking at the letter(s) at the beginning of the call number and find the corresponding bookcase. Each bookcase is labeled showing what section and number range it will contain.
Look on the books for a sticker showing the matching call number.
If you have questions, contact the reference librarian through the chat option on the homepage, by calling 580-559-5371, or by emailing refdesk@ecok.edu.